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Headlines & Twitter & Anxiety, Oh My!


Have you ever yelled at your TV while you're watching the news? Or audibly said “What the f***?!” when a news alert comes through on your phone? It seems like I do it more in the last year or two than I ever did before. And it takes a toll on my mental health! I find myself more anxious and angry when I spend more than maybe 30 minutes reading, watching, or listening to the news but it wasn’t always that way.

This week I wanted to learn more about whether this was just me or is news’s impact on mental health a widespread issue. Spoiler alert! It’s a thing.

“We’re living, in effect, in a big anger incubator.” Raymond Novaco

Why is this a bigger issue now than it used to be?

It didn’t always feel like this, did it? I don’t remember hearing about sociological anxiety because of the news specifically when I was younger. So the first thing I wanted to find out why this is a bigger issue now? Turns out this anger and fatigue have increased and for several reasons. I don’t think any of these will be a surprise, but here are the primary causes.

  • 24-hour bombardment. The modern invention of a 24-hour news cycle is the primary culprit. We used to get news during nightly newscasts on a few TV stations, newspapers, and some radio time, which gave us time to process the information. Today, we are getting news delivered through TV, radio, smartphone alerts, social media, and the internet all day every day.

  • Blurred lines between news and entertainment. Now mixing these two is nothing new. The difference is that it’s become so difficult to know where the opinion stops and the facts begin. Many entertainers either tout themselves as or are labeled as journalists or experts when they are not.

  • If it bleeds, it leads. I’m sure you’ve heard that one before. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that negative news has stronger reactions than positive news. In our society when profits and reputations are dependent on consumer engagement, the powers that be will continue to lead with the negative stories.

  • We are living in an unprecedented time with the culmination of multiple highly significant sociological events. A once-in-a-century pandemic would be enough to stress anyone out. However, when you add several years of major political shifts and civil unrest worldwide, that is what makes it unprecedented. Our psyches are being attacked on so many fronts.

Scientific explanations

While this is not an exhaustive psychological study, there were a couple of phenomena that resonated with me while I was researching. I feel like these two explanations sum up the psychological reasons for the anger, anxiety, and depression the news causes us.

Negativity bias.

Humans have tons of instincts developed over thousands of years that we developed to survive. One of those survival instincts is to seek and remember harmful information because it may resurface in the future as a legitimate threat. Think about a prehistoric hunter that has seen an attack on their hunting party by a beast they tried to kill. While it may be awful to remember the carnage, they would be able to adapt their hunting style to avoid a future attack.

Headline stress disorder.

In 2016, therapist Steven Stonsny, Ph.D. published his research and coined the disorder’s name. This explains the stress we may or may not be aware of caused by the constant bombardment of headlines 24 hours a day. These are issues we can’t influence so we’re constantly worrying and feeling powerless, similar to how soldiers experience battle fatigue. Because of the frequency, these attacks involuntarily become internalized and the powerlessness bleeds over into our personal lives.

What can we do?

Okay - this has been pretty intense and negative so far. So let’s shift gears and talk about strategies that can help alleviate the stress and reduce the anger! I know I sound like a broken record, but this is definitely not an exhaustive list and I’m not a healthcare professional. But these solutions are simple and do-able. So here we go!

  • Limit your news time. If you like to know what’s going on in the world, then expose enough for you to be informed but stop before you get overwhelmed. This includes all platforms - TV, radio, social media, etc.

  • If you find you are getting angry, anxious, or overwhelmed, walk away. When these emotions start welling up, acknowledge that it’s too much and find a way to relax. This could be anything from a quick walk outside to meditation to a full-blown news vacation. The key is to mentally reset and recharge.

  • Invest more time in activities and relationships that create positivity. This doesn’t mean just “choose to be happy” or anything so trite. We all have the same number of hours in a day and everything we do is an investment. So why not include time with family members or a hobby or other activities that can increase positive outcomes for you?

  • If you’re upset, focus on things that you can influence. It’s easy to feel like you can’t do anything to make the world better. But you can! This doesn’t mean you need to run for political office or anything grandiose - helping comes in all shapes and sizes. What about donating to a non-profit organization that advocates for something you’re passionate about? Or volunteering? Even taking the time to learn about the origins of these events that are blowing up is a way you can expand your perspective and influence others.

  • Lastly, the one we all know & choose to ignore half the time: basic self-care. Get adequate sleep. Stay hydrated. Eat well. Exercise. And a big one right now - don’t overly depend on substances to cope with the anxiety.

So do you feel a bit more validated now? It’s not just you. The stress, anxiety, and fatigue from the news machine are real. We need to accept that these news organizations aren’t going to change any time soon so we need to take care of ourselves. Don’t be afraid to take a break! Your brain will thank you.


Articles & Resources

Angry, frustrated, and overwhelmed: The emotional experience of consuming news about President Trump by María Celeste Wagner (University of Pennsylvania) & Pablo J Boczkowski (Northwestern University), Journalism (Journal)

Anxious about the news? Our top tips on how to cope by Maria Cohut, Ph.D., Medical News Today

Negative psychological effects of watching the news in the television: relaxation or another intervention may be needed to buffer them! by Attila Szabo & Katey L. Hopkinson (National Institute for Sport Talent Care, Budapest, Hungary), Int J Behav Med (Journal)

Soothing advice for mad America by Alvin Powell, The Harvard Gazette

The Psychological Effects of TV News by Graham C.L. Davey Ph.D., Psychology Today

Cover image credit: Matthew Adjodha


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